Sunday, March 22

So just some super procrastination.


A constantly reoccuring state.

Best helmit ever

This one has a story, I wanted this helmet when I was a kid I made it up and described it to my parents. Of course such a helmet didn't exist, so, my parents got me a ninja turtles one instead, which I must say was pretty sweet ass as you got to choose what turtel's make you wanted to put on it and there were pizza stickers and stuff. Any way at school a was talking to my friends Ali and Ahmed about this random memory and Ahmed was convinced that m life was unfulfilled but this unrequited dream. So I drew myself in it. Its pretty kick as I must say, if I owned it I would wear a pretend to ride a bike to school as I'm currently with out.

best helmit ever continued

And if any one watched the BBC series Merlin this will make a little sense. I'm sorry for the spelling and horrible rendering quality I drew, painted and scanned it in about 5 mins as a whim while I scanned the other. To explain in this series there was a whole 45 min episode about Aurthur killing a unicorn and Merlin being all "Nooooooooo Aurthur why'd you dooooo that?" and the kingdom being cursed by the protector of unicorns and Aurthur having to do all these tasks and Merlin trying to secretly help him and lots of secret love tension looks and "Oh Please Don't die" cuddles. so they just wanted to do it again... pun intended. Oh hohohoho.


Alllllison said...

must Julia perish for the sake of Merlin and Arthur's epic drive for cuddles and seekrit kisses?

you would think that those two would have come to terms with their strong homosexual urges by now, without having to create excuses to paw each other

Julia said...

Nah not with Uther about. Plus what does Arthur like more than a moody and emotional merlin? Sex with an emotional and moody merlin, thats what.

Alllllison said...

but Uther is "glad" that they have a "bond"...I don't know about Merlin (he seems wilfully ignorant of his true feelings on Arthur), but if you ask me, that seems to be an unofficial royal sanction on homosexual hanky panky for the prince.